Facility Layouts

Discover Our Versatile Video Production Facility Layout

Avenue Six Studios is renowned for its comprehensive and adaptable facility layout, meticulously designed to cater to a diverse range of video and film production needs. Our stages and spaces are crafted with the industry’s dynamic requirements in mind, ensuring every project, from blockbuster films to high-end commercials, finds its perfect setting.

Backlot & Stages

North Stage

Our North Stage is the epitome of versatility, featuring a 28′ x 18′ green screen cyclorama, ideal for creating limitless visual environments. The stage is equipped with a 10′ x 10′ bay door, a 17.5′ lighting grid, and newly refinished brown concrete flooring. It’s complemented by private production offices, a lounge area, and designated makeup/dressing and green rooms.

West Stage

The West Stage, a splendid addition to our facility, offers over 3,000 feet of shooting space, dark brown laminate flooring, individual restrooms, and a welcoming lobby/holding area. It includes two production support offices, making it a prime choice for various shoots.

East Stage

With 7,000 square feet of light wood laminate-floored shooting space and a 33.5’ x 18’ cove, the East Stage facilitates seamless production flows. It features a high overhead lighting grid, sound-deadening insulation, and doors, alongside a versatile production room, dressing/makeup area, and additional lounges and offices.

South Stage

The multifunctional South Stage is designed for flexibility, hosting an entrance lobby, cubicles, office sets, and a kitchen. Its conference room, equipped with glass panel walls and a sound system, alongside various support spaces, makes it ideal for productions seeking a ready-to-shoot office environment.


The backlot features a meticulously crafted main street set, embodying the essence of a bustling cityscape. Ideal for a wide range of production styles, from SOHO-style lofts to gritty urban dramas, it offers an extraordinary canvas for filmmakers and content creators.

Additional Facilities

  • Staging Warehouse: A spacious area for storing and preparing props and equipment, ensuring smooth production logistics.
  • SGreen Screens & Coves: Essential for creating digital backgrounds and seamless visuals.
  • SKitchens & Conference Room: Fully equipped for culinary shoots or corporate video settings.

At Avenue Six Studios, our facility layout is more than just space – it’s where your creative vision comes to life. Contact us to explore how our stages and backlot can elevate your next production.